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Dr Russ Reinbolt

"Nothing Tastes As Good As Skinny Feels"


I love stories that show the result of hard work, discipline, sacrifice and self-motivation. So, I’d like to share my co-worker’s journey.

Connie Gonzalez works as a health care worker in my Emergency Department in San Diego while going to school for her bachelor’s degree at Point Loma Nazarene University. Growing up in San Diego but not of an athletic background, she had allowed herself to grow to 302 lbs. She admits to having become “an emotional eater.” She ate to deal with stress, basically using food as medicine. She ate late at night. She NEVER exercised. As a result of this lifestyle, she had become a diabetic. Having to self-administer insulin shots sucked! She was “tired of being tired” all the time.

Finally one day, she said “I’m tired of being fat.” She made the decision to change her life.

She started exercising.

She met with her doctor.

She was referred to a bariatric surgeon, Dr. George Mueller.

It was game on.

In order to have surgery she would have to prove her commitment to the process. Hell, did she ever?!

People at work started noticing. I did.

Connie started shrinking.

Finally she was approved for gastric sleeve surgery. The procedure and the post operative course went well. After an easy five months of adjusting her diet, she continued to train. Slowly but steadily, her workouts became longer. Her walk/runs became run only.

Now, only eight months post-op, Connie is killing it. Soon, she’ll be doing a half marathon. Her goals: “Maintain and DON’T GO BACK.” She also will be running (and finishing!) the San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon in June.

If someone told her she’d lose more than 100 lbs and train for a marathon, she said “I wouldn’t believe it. I thought I’d be fat and miserable the rest of my life.”

With running as the backbone of her wellness routine, “CG” also does boot camp style high intensity workouts. Not only focusing on her weight, she’s living an entirely healthy lifestyle. In fact, Connie no longer needs any of her medicines because she has cured herself of diabetes!

Her advice for others in a similar situation: “Find another avenue for your emotions. It’s all a mental game!”

Regarding any food cravings she might have, she loves saying that “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.”

Connie, you’re SO right. Keep it up. We’re super proud of you.

Girl, see you at the finish line at Rock and Roll!

November 2, 2017

November 2, 2017

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